Monday, June 2, 2014

Dr Reda Bedeir #Denial one at MAA

Alhamdulillah i has been given a chance to come for this Lecture .. i have never thought that MAA (Malaysia Airlines Academy) is gonna be the place. And the best part is (i have never counter how many bless i had today. .. )
 Its been a bless to come with my husband for this lecture :) Alhamdulillah.

Furqaan 25:30
"Messenger said: my people my following abandon Quran" this is apply to us..
People read Quran without knowing the meaning is like.. sending a letter to a king and its blank..  

5 type of desertion of the Quran :
1. Abandonment the description
2. To reflex n understand
3. Act upon the Quran (the knowledge)
4. Share
5. Seeking sifah

I can't believe this is the place i took my first exam.. and I've never seen this place are so packed like this.. SubhanAllah

Husband with his ketayap ;)

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