Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Game Changer - Ilmtourtotheeast 2015 with Yasmin Mogahed

Alhamdulillah everything went smooth at Ilmtourtotheeast Conference with Yasmin Mogahed in Malaysia, PICC. This Year bring THE GAME CHANGER and MashaAllah this opportunity is an honor and a privilege to me for seeking Knowledge of Allah, Yes InsyaAllah I will cherish for the rest of my life. Alhamdulillah.. 

My Humble Thank you to Student Of Knowledge who has given me a cooperation during this event and the speakers at the same time MashaAllah.. We did our best within the limit, the constrains and even push beyond. Allah Knows best. May our efforts been count. 
 May Allah grant us goodness, guide us, and open our heart with  Hidayah and bring us to the Straight Path. Ameen

Student of Knowledge are on their way to the hall 

The one at the registration counter 

Reciting Quran 

My Fav Speaker
Dr Halima Boukeraccha

-- "Guide us to the straight path" Quran 1:6
We are saying this ayat at least 17 times per day which in our Salah.
The scholars mentioned they are two meaning here:
1) We are praying for to keep us on the straight path
2) We are asking Allah to help us to move forward and progress to the top. (think the straight path as vertical and horizontal)
why we are doing so? From an Islamic perspective, when you stop progressing and moving forward, you are actually turning back. you will stay behind. Then, when you keep turning back, you will reach the bottom and you are in danger that will allow you to go out from the straight path.
Change in Islam is always. To make yourself better and close to Him. You are responsible of the transformation and change. The decision to change is all in you. No one could help you except you yourself. Moving a mountain is easier than moving you.
The best and perfect time is now. If you don't start now, you are making more difficulties. .
Yes it might be hard and you are facing struggles but change is a process. You need to be patient (sabr). To move forward there is no lift, you have to use the stairs. Each steps will give you lesson.
He will only show the results (changes), unless you show your work. He wants to teach you to keep forward.
"Life is like a riding the bicycles, to keep it balance you have to keep moving." Yes. Islam is a continues journey.
The most matter is you are changing inside. No matter how slow you are, unless you keep moving

Ustadzah Yasmin Mogahed
"Throw Staff"
As we know, for things to change we have to change first. God says: "Verily never will God change the situation of a people until they change what is within themselves" (Qur'an, 13:11)
When you are depending on something, it is not easy for you throw it away. This is a false attachment.
The story of Moosa AS when Allah asked Moosa what is in his right hand. Moosa replied it only his staff, which was very useful for him. (20:18) Then Allah asked Moosa to throw the staff in his hand. The staff transformed to a snake. This shows him that Allah wanted him to know that something his leaning on could harm him back. (The Snake)
After that Allah asked Moosa to take it back his staff which already turn to snake. He was so scared of it. (Human nature; human naturally flee from whatever they fear) Then, Allah ordered him to grab back the snake and fear not because it will turn back to its original form.
When he taking it back ( he hold his staff in his hand not in his heart)
Allah taught Moosa to not lean on things other than Him.
Another story where Moosa was in front of Red sea with Bani Israel with him and a great army was behind him chasing after them.
As a normal human being we will think that we have no solution at all and we were stucked! We're gonna lose this. But not for Moosa as Allah already taught him the lesson of to be dependant not on other except Allah. He being trained to letgo of all false dependant.
He focus on the full trust of Allah. Allah asked him to throw away his staff to the sea. Then, the sea was split into half. He was giving a way out, whoever cannot imagine.
Lesson : This is what happened when you have the right dependancies. It just like you hold a twig, it will break and make us fall. But, if we hold the strong and solid, we won't fall.

Launching Reclaim Your Heart in Bahasa "Hati ini MilikMu"

Sister Yasmin Zaini

Dr, Isham Rejab

Not forgetting From the Mothers Room