Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ilmfest 2015 in Malaysia

Alhamdulillah second time ilmfest in Malaysia 2015 went smooth.



What can enemies do to me, when my paradise is in my heart! - Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed 



 Sh Mohammed Faqih
Happiness comes from 3 things:
1) to be thankful of your blessings, bounties - everyday reflects on blessing of Allah (nikmat)
2) to be patience at times of adversity - when Allah afflicts you with calamity, you sabr. A person who doesn't have sabr would not have happiness. Being sabr is kind
3) when you repent frm the sin, you will find true happiness. Allah is happy when you repent and He makes you happy, when Allah loves you He makes you happy