Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH370 has lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2.40am, Saturday on 8 March 2014.

Flight MH370, operated on the B777-200 aircraft, departed Kuala Lumpur at 12.41am on MH370 was expected to land in Beijing at 6.30am the same day. The flight was carrying a total number of 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members."

"3 Days after the lost of contact with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the search and rescue teams are still unable to detect the whereabouts of the missing aircraft.."

The whole world saddened to hear all these news bout MH370,
My heart breaks for the passenger and crew on board the aircraft. :(
Let's just take at least 1 short minute & #PrayForMH370

Praying with much hope of some good news of safety of the passengers as dawn approaches in the region. #MH370

(My collection of aircraft shoots)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Muaz turn 1 ;)

It’s finally here! Congratulations, Muaz has turn one!

 It seem that he has always been in our life. Maybe it seems it was just yesterday he were born. Whatever the case, the first birthday is a special milestone

We has Mixed emotions about Muaz turning 1!! Im soo excited for him and love seeing him grow and learn new things.

Muaz Cousin