Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Alhamdulillah.. It's the least i can do for my Deen during my long break. May Allah accept, grant the best of hasanah and  barakah in this dunya and akhirah.
O Allah! I ask You for Your love and for the love of those who love You. Grant me the love of every action that will bring me closer to Your love. Aminnn.. *the one with Alkauthar Family

The one with my Favorite Speaker 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Assalamualaikum.. It's been awhile I didn't get a chance to update my blog.. MashaAllah now I had a long break and I take this opportunity to used it wisely InsyaAllah 😘
Here are the last year event Ilmartfest held in Stadium Shah Alam. Day before Malaysia National Day 31st August. 
Alhamdulillah , I've been given the chance to shoot those international talented Muslim artists from Press conference till the end. . I am very grateful , I enjoyed every second of it . I get to know some of them personally as It was a lifetime experience and Im craving for more event like this soon, 
InsyaAllah . 

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ
"Every soul should taste death.." 
Live performance with Br. Ashley Belal Chin.. This actually open a lot of eyes when he performed as a "son" who has sins and Angel of death take his life.. He realized that how "dark" in there (coffin) and too late to call his mother asking for forgiveness.. 

Naima Robert perform as a Belal mother and keep calling him in real world to make him calmed.. 
MashaAllah Tabarakallah this is beautiful performance and make me burst into tears.. Allahuakbar!!

Br Aerosol Ali present the coffin on stage. I'm sure this is the best part ever it was so deep.. 

Br. Aerosol Ali and Martin Travers, performing an amazing presentation.  Br.FaisalSalah  as background sound live (without music) .. Subhanallah they are really talented.. Allahuakbar

And the result... "The Road" is amazing performance on stage it self .. MashaAllah .. 

Br Amir Sulaiman ... Awesomely perform an Amazing poetry part of "the Road" 

Another awesome performance, Ustaz Muadz with Shinji Moriwaki ...

Everyone like... Awesomely  with shazet performance.. 

Sheikh Dawoodbut Lecture 

Peter Sanders  perform his picture around the world

Omar Regan with his slumber Halallywood comedies 

The one with Amir Khan the boxer 

There are more pictures I love to share but since I'm only specifically incharge behind the stage and artists.. Those pictures are limited.
 Last but not least , thankyou for all members of the team, really make my day :)